What is the standard pay rate?
San Francisco Bay Area Average Gross Hourly Rates
Nanny, Family Assistant, and Household Manager:  $32 - $45+ per hour
Newborn Care Specialist, Newborn Night Nanny and Private Educator:  $45 - $75+ per hour

What is your placement fee?
Our placement fees can be found here.

Once I have submitted my family inquiry form, what is the next step?
We’re excited to chat with you and get to know you! We’ll follow up to schedule a call with your family to learn more about your family’s needs, your lifestyle and values, go over our process, and of course answer any questions you have.

How long does it take to find a nanny or household employee?
Our process typically takes 4-8 weeks from when we begin working together. A signed agreement and payment of the initial start fee officially begin your search! We take the time to get to know your family’s childcare or household needs, searching for someone who not only meets your schedule and pay requirements, but is also experienced and a good fit with your family ensuring they match/complement your family’s values, lifestyle, priorities, and style/philosophy.

Can I do a trial with a candidate?
Yes! We highly encourage families to do a 2 to 5-day paid working interview/trial with any candidate they are considering hiring to ensure they’re a match for your household.

How is my nanny or household employee paid?
A nanny or any other household employee is your employee. Any household employee over the age of 18 and making more than $2,700 in 2024 should be given a W-2 form in January and you as the employer are responsible for all Social Security and Medicare taxes. These taxes can be collected through payroll deductions or you can fund the taxes yourself. You can learn more about payroll and taxes here.

What happens if my nanny or household employee quits?
We of course hope this doesn't happen and that we have found your family a wonderful match. However, if something changes, we offer a 60-day replacement policy for long-term searches. We are happy to apply a prorated portion of your original placement fee toward your next search if employment ends after 60 days and within the first year of employment. Trusted Nanny Match is here to support you and answer any questions you may have after the hire is made.

Do I need to pay my nanny or household employee if my family goes on vacation?
While there isn’t a law that specifically addresses this, offering guaranteed hours (consistent hours and income each week), regardless of if the nanny or household employee has a day off that is outside of their control, is the industry standard. This helps ensure a long-term relationship, offering stability and consistency.